Effective Mindset



Thursday Aug 22, 2024

I talk about the current state of the world as seen through the eyes of those in charge of the Matrix. 
From the so-called “pandemic” to the climate scam, digital currencies, social credit system, artificial food, and more - this episode is a wake-up call. 
recorded on January 31, 2024 
Effective Mindset Newsletter 
Apple Podcasts 

Saturday Nov 20, 2021

I talk about "inclusive leaders", emasculated weasels, male feminists, and bullshit corporate culture.
Also, Bill Gates' motives, dummy at a local grocery store, my favorite alpha males, the best supplements, some of my favorite comedy specials, Five Guys and curry on Valentine's Day, trance music at work, smoking weed to Bad Company songs, difference between weed and alcohol, Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, consumerism, and depreciation.
Special thanks to:Joey Diaz, for never quitting the game and always speaking the truth;Jimmy Dore, for calling assholes out on their bullshit;Jocko Willink, Echo Charles, Joe Rogan, Tim Kennedy, Andy Stumpf, and David Goggins, for getting after it and setting the bar high;Louis C.K., for some of the best comedy specials of all time;Bill Burr and Paul Virzi, for "Anything Better?" and other great podcasts.

Friday Nov 12, 2021

I talk about stupid people with no ambitions, consequences of comfort food, easy choices vs. the right choices, doing your own thing.
Also, incompetent recruiters, keeping up with the Joneses, and trying to find the meaning of life under the surface of bullshit.
Special thanks to Jocko Willink and Jordan B. Peterson, for continuously inspiring me to push my limits and strive to become the best I can.

Sunday Sep 05, 2021

A conversation with Jordan Farmer on the episode 19 of his podcast, UnCommon Conversations.
Jordan's YouTube channel, UnCommon Ground:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQS-ImwALtV1EBiLpaHJhEQ/videos

Thursday Aug 12, 2021

I talk about my animal-based diet, temptations of fast food, artificial food and GMOs, importance of healthy eating, long-term results vs. immediate comfort, escaping reality, waking up from the Matrix, taking risks vs. accepting mediocrity.
Also, determination vs. motivation, virtue signaling, selflessness vs. self-serving, real talent vs. idiots, Martin Scorsese movies, and how to deal with mental illness.
Special thanks to Dr. Paul Saladino, Joey Borelli, and JP Sears, for all the work you do, advocating common sense, and pushing against the mainstream narrative.

Wednesday May 05, 2021

Podcast recorded on December 14th, 2020.
I talk about wi-fi and unlimited data, made-up pronouns, deception and manipulation by mainstream media, spineless CNN anchors, Johnnie Walker Black Label, season finale of The Outsider on HBO.
Also, more propaganda from Bill Gates, hypocrisy of Democrats, hysterical feminists, woman spitting in a cop’s face, Anderson Cooper insulting Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert crying on TV, and the new documentary “Antifa: Rise of the Black Flags” by Jack Posobiec.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020

I talk about The Bourne Legacy, Californication and some movies I'd like to see on Netflix, what lockdown did to the entertainment industry, Ray Donovan season 8, cancel culture, House of Cards, Quentin Tarantino vs. political correctness, cultural appropriation, and censorship in comedy.
Also, looking at the bigger picture, managing stress, procrastinating vs. executing, white trash women, getting toxic people out of the way, passive vs. aggressive, dangers of mediocrity, social justice warriors, feminists on LinkedIn, and side effects of prescription antidepressants.

Monday Nov 02, 2020

I talk about benefits of carnivore diet, sugar crash from eating junk food, my favorite muffins, ritual of rolling up and smoking a joint, freshly baked white bread, Häagen-Dazs vs. Ben & Jerry's.
Also, diet of our ancestors, bottled water vs. tap water, ongoing issues with central heating, hypocrisy of vegans, and cutting the long story short.
I send greetings to Joey Diaz, talk about Joe Rogan leaving LA, and what it has become.
I then talk about LA at night, time, cravings of the inner bitch, Jason Bourne, books I've read as a kid, girls from Miami Vice, fame, mentors and gurus, Domino's pizza, the late James Randi, and people slowly adjusting to the "new normal".
Special thanks to Bill Burr, Bert Kreischer, Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz, and Eric Weinstein, for the great podcasts you create.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020

I talk about Sleepy Joe and Phony Kamala, 2020 in a nutshell, things we learned from the 2008 crisis, tough times and opportunities ahead, and why calling domestic terrorists "Antifa" is an insult to those who fought for our freedom decades ago.
I read Tim Kennedy's definition of the real Antifa, and talk about importance of the police.
Also, lessons learned from short existence and collapse of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, absurdity of racism, why Kamala's dream will never come true, the worst of lockdown is yet to come, evil does exist, and higher education is bullshit.
Responsible choices, independent journalism vs. mainstream media, far-fetched conspiracy theories, made-up pronouns, All Lives Matter, creating vs. destroying, and thinking ahead.
I also discuss the article titled "Anarchy and Chaos" by Paul Bois at The Daily Wire from June 16th, 2020, and coverage of CHAZ by Andy Ngo.
Special thanks to Tim Kennedy, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Jocko Willink, James Corbett, Team at The Daily Wire, Elijah Schaffer, and Andy Ngo, for all your hard work.

Monday Oct 19, 2020

I talk about quitting smoking, difference between hunger and appetite, benefits of using cannabis in the morning.
Also, a story about a fire engine and my Chicago Bulls hat, taking a break from conspiracy theories, and why BLM is not a well-thought-out movement. Moreover, AOC advocating violence (again), no apples at Apple Store, myth of systemic oppression, and why a bar is better than a club.
I also tell a story about drinking whisky with famous people, and talk about maintaining discipline and keeping Netflix hours in check.

Saturday Sep 19, 2020

I talk about Cardi B's new song, Ben Shapiro's karaoke, Fargo season 4, documentary "Meet Bill Gates" by James Corbett, and why upspeak is wrong.
Also, Big Pharma lobbying, finally finding good edibles, and an introduction to the topic of gun laws.
Special thanks to James Corbett, for legitimate journalism and The Corbett Report.

Sunday Aug 02, 2020

I talk about unlimited data, fighting inner demons, controlling habits, taking risks, disconnecting from emotions, performing at the highest level, and not giving mediocrity a chance.
I read an excerpt from my favorite quote by Jocko Willink, and give credit where it's due.
Also, higher education, John Anthony West, my theory about the Sphinx, and on the dark side: martial law, amplifying anger, hypocrisy of mainstream media, more violent nonsense from SJW/BLM/AOC/leftist extremists, and why DMT is AOC's only hope.
Special thanks to Jocko Willink and Echo Charles, for Jocko Podcast, for being out there, and for Getting After It.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020

I talk about hope, consequences of taking the easy road, Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink, Foreigner band, Juicy J's new song (and some classic ones).
Also, taking life seriously, Ikea furniture, comfort vs. freedom, instruction manuals, Business Accelerator course, ordering pizza, and dangers of edibles.
Special thanks to Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink, and Mike Winnet, for all the inspiring work you do, and for the podcasts you create.

Sunday Jun 21, 2020

I talk about systemic injustice, police brutality vs. Garrett Rolfe, BLM agenda vs. Chicago homicides, importance of being honest with yourself, starting all over, redefining standards of living, going through your bucket list, and keeping your inner bitch in check.

Wednesday May 27, 2020

I talk about good ol' Billy G. and his pal Tony F., the Vaccine Gang, the infamous Event 201, VICE hitting rock bottom of journalism, Billy's plan to pollute the Earth's atmosphere, and why I think DMT is the only hope to turn him into a compassionate human being.
Also, a theory about an outbreak without lockdown, Ben Mendelsohn, The Outsider, Killing Them Softly and more of my favorite movies, and why I miss Kevin Spacey.

Sunday May 17, 2020

I talk about senseless barking, Matt Hancock's inability to answer questions, government officials lying in mainstream media, neighborhood scavengers, living paycheck to paycheck, taking action.
Also, my favorite vaporizer, discipline, and ongoing shortage of essential stock.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

I talk about Bill Burr's voice overs, spring, podcasts on fire, insomnia.
Also, keeping your battery charged, financial impact of Covid-19 on billions of people, Siri, world without cash, and technology of our time.

Sunday Apr 19, 2020

I talk about consequences of not controlling stupid urges, also who owns the garden, bad habits gone wrong, complaining about non-existent problems, alcoholism, enforcing ideologies, and some more thoughts on censorship and basic human rights.

Thursday Apr 16, 2020

I talk about gravity bongs, David Icke, a theory of Covid-19 being exosomes, and how mainstream media tried to silence Brian Rose and his podcast London Real.

Monday Apr 13, 2020

I talk about the furlough scheme, unemployment, dealing with mediocrity, governmental cover-ups.
Also, being kept in the dark, wondering where my tax money goes, missing my day job, my favorite Krispy Kreme doughnut, and plotting against neighborhood killers.

Monday Apr 06, 2020

I talk about inaccessible thermostats, excessive drinking during lockdown, compromised standards, value and meaning of one's life, and undermining the importance of money.

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

How lack of self-esteem leads to deception, political correctness gone too far, and how to stay in shape during lockdown. I talk about all that as I walk around city's empty streets in the middle of the day.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020

I talk about how girls from charity never call back, an almost-happy-ending date with two girls, Coronavirus conspiracies and its impact on the economy, keeping your head low at work, and the ruthless reality of narrow-minded people.

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